
Controlling Spiders

We get rid of spiders!

Spiders can be tricky to get rid of, just as with other pests spiders can be a hard pest to treat on your own. If you have a lone spider you can generally remove it without to much fuss, the problems lie with their egg sacks and food sources. They can be an ongoing issue of the root cause of their being in your home or business is not services properly.

Need Spider Control?

We specialize in controlling Spiders and other pests. Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you! 

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Why are spiders in my home?

There is a multitude of reasons why spiders could be entering your home or business. Most of the time, spiders will eat other insects or pests that inhabit your property. They are an important part of the environment however, spiders are not the funniest thing to look at when they are inside your home. They aren't social pests and will always be found on their own maintaining their webs. Unless you exterminate their food source (other pests) they will be very difficult to control. Organix Pest Control specialized in dealing with spiders. Be sure to give us a call if you have issues with them.

How do I get rid of spiders?

First, you need to find out how they are entering your home. Our pest control technicians recommend that you keep greenery around your house well-trimmed and at least a foot away from your foundation. Garages are another area spiders love to establish themselves. The weatherstripping underneath most garage door openers almost always has gaps on both sides of the garage door that spiders can crawl right through. When you decide to hire a professional pest control & extermination company be sure that they address one of the core reasons you are dealing with spiders in the first place. We always make sure to treat both the spiders and the other insects they are eating.

Are spiders dangerous?

Whether or not spiders would be considered dangerous would highly depend on the species you are dealing with. Most common spiders in the local area are nothing to worry about besides being an inconvenience. It is highly unlikely that you will be bitten by a spider unless it feels threatened or ends up between a layer of clothing and your skin and unable to escape. Their bites are painful and some are venomous. Common spiders to watch out for if you are worried about children being bitten would be the infamous, Black Widow Spider, and the Funnel Web Spider, otherwise known as the Hobo Spider.

Should I hire a pest control company?

If you are looking for a long term solution to a spider infestation we recommend hiring a local pest control or exterminator company. There are many ways to put a band-aid on a spider problem, we always treat for the main cause of the pest issue to make sure our customers get long term results. 

Trouble getting rid of spiders? We can help!

Call us at 208-518-0930 or contact us for your free quote.
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